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How To Switch Back To A Personal Account On Instagram?

Begonnen von onlinegeeks123, Januar 15, 2024, 11:58:00

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Instagram introduced business accounts in 2014, and many brands, influencers, and creators used and enjoyed it. But then they have this question in their mind "How To Switch Back To A Personal Account On Instagram" So, that's why we brought you a helpful guide to switch back to a personal account on Instagram. Follow these steps:

1> Open Your Instagram app

2> Tap on Your Profile Icon

3> Tap on the 3 Horizontal Lines

4> Select Settings or Settings & Privacy

5> Click on Account

6> Click on "Switch to Personal Account" Option

7>   Then Confirm to Switch Your Account Type

By following these simple steps you can easily change your account type. For more in-depth information read our article.


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Go to the settings of your instagram account there you will see the option of switching the account and you can switch it by just a single click.

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