Juni 02, 2024, 16:58:49


Wir wünschen allen ein Frohes Neues Jahr!

Beiträge anzeigen

Diese Sektion erlaubt es ihnen alle Beiträge dieses Mitglieds zu sehen. Beachten sie, dass sie nur solche Beiträge sehen können, zu denen sie auch Zugriffsrechte haben.

Nachrichten - onlinegeeks123

Instagram introduced business accounts in 2014, and many brands, influencers, and creators used and enjoyed it. But then they have this question in their mind "How To Switch Back To A Personal Account On Instagram" So, that's why we brought you a helpful guide to switch back to a personal account on Instagram. Follow these steps:

1> Open Your Instagram app

2> Tap on Your Profile Icon

3> Tap on the 3 Horizontal Lines

4> Select Settings or Settings & Privacy

5> Click on Account

6> Click on "Switch to Personal Account" Option

7>   Then Confirm to Switch Your Account Type

By following these simple steps you can easily change your account type. For more in-depth information read our article.